Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The timeline of the Michael Brown saga in 7 easy-to-grasp terms - Theft, assault, self-defense, race-baiting, acquittal, rioting and looting.

Not descriptive enough?  How about we add "aggravated thuggery", "stupid life-ending decision", or just "complete fucktardedness"?

But please, can we stop with the "he was high on marijuana" bullshit?  Really, fellow conservatives, it's just making you look stupid.

Michael Brown's autopsy confirmed that there was marijuana in his system at the time of his death. People are bringing this up like it proves he was a lawless thug. It doesn't. I know quite a few people (but we they shall remain nameless) who might have partaken in a little herb at one point or another, long ago in a galaxy far far away.  As a general rule, they are good law-abiding folk.  They were good most-laws-abiding folk when they were getting high every damn day.  

And happy.  Let's not forget perpetually happy.  

In my experience (which is purely anecdotal, mind you), it is pretty hard to get excited about anything but a snack and a nap after getting smoked up. Violence is not on the list at all. Therefore - how much of a violent thug do you have to be to attack ANYONE while you are stoned, especially a cop?

Here is a fictional but not entirely unlikely retelling of the same scenario, featuring a normal, everyday stoner:

Officer Wilson:  "Stop right there!"

Normal E. Stoner:  "What's up, officer?"

"Where did you get those cigars?"

"Hahaha, your badge is all shiny. What was the question?"

"I said, where did you get those cigars?"

>Looking at cigars< "WHOAAAAA. Dude, I don't remember."

"We had a report of a guy fitting your description who stole cigars from a store a few minutes ago."

"I have a Snickers in my pocket. Want a bite?"

"No, I want you to come downtown with me while we sort this cigar thing out."

"Can I get something to drink first? I got wicked cottonmouth."

"We can get you a drink at the station."

"COOL!! I call shotgun!"

"You can't ride shotgun, get in the back."

"Will you sound the siren? That would be cool."

"Sure, whatever." >Opens door<

"HAHAHA if you had a hat you would be like a limo driver! Can we pick up some of my friends on the way?"

"Absolutely. Where are they?"

"At this store a couple blocks over... hey, they have cigars there. Can we get some?"

Point being, if you get into a violent confrontation after smoking a little reefer, what kind of thug were you BEFORE?  The weed ain't the evil one here.  This one was all on Michael Brown, and the parents who raised a criminal with no respect for authority.  Trying to beat the shit out of a cop is suicide, especially when you are roughly the size of a Sherman tank, and he is sitting down when you attack.  You didn't leave him any other option than his gun.  Even if you are right and he is wrong, HE HAS THE FUCKING GUN, STUPID.

I feel for his family.  I really do.  It is not natural for a parent to bury a child, and I cannot imagine the pain I would feel if I lost one of my kids. But - stay with me here - they need to realize that they are at least partially and more likely mostly to blame for his death.

Oh, yes, I DID just say that.  Read it again if you're not sure.

And they prove it at every interview, every time they open their mouths.  "There's no way my son would ever do that!  Evil, racist cop! He gunned him down just because he was black!  MURDERER!!"

That's bullshit, folks, and the grand jury heard that it was bullshit from a LOT of witnesses. They also had this really cool stuff called evidence that said it was bullshit.  You know, autopsy report, photographs, that sort of thing.

But the fact that they keep screaming to the rooftops that their son bears absolutely no accountability at all in the whole incident - and it has been proven by physical evidence that he WAS in fact attacking a law enforcement officer through the window of his patrol car - can mean only one thing:

Michael Brown was raised to believe that he did not have to be accountable for his actions.

Parents: you taught him that.  You prove that you taught him that every time you open your mouth on TV.  You need to go home and mourn the loss of your son, and stop all the foolishness, because;

Michael Brown was an asshat who signed his own death warrant.  And you raised him to be one.  End of story.

If you don't want to get shot by a cop, then do what he tells you, dumbass.  Please refer to Chris Rock's awesome video, "How to not get your ass kicked by the cops".  If you are right and he is wrong, get a lawyer and fight him in court.  But then again, how can you expect a logical decision from someone whose "supporters" (read: people who identify with him so they can get attention and/or free shit), in the name of "justice for a black man", are destroying businesses owned and/or frequented by the black community?

Really?  I'd love to see this CNN interview...

"Yep, the Dollar Tree in Ferguson is responsible for Michael Brown's death, power to the people, and look at all this free shit I got now.  Burned down that ho's cupcake shop too, cause her cupcakes gave me the gout this one time.  Glad you had this idea, Revrund Al.  Where we looting next week?  My house? Great, I won't have to carry that bigass TV anywhere, it's already there.  Damn near broke my back gettin that out the Best Buy."

Way to beat that ghetto stereotype.  Nobody will ever accuse these people of being less than geniuses ever again, now will they?

This is the level of intelligence we are dealing with here, like it or not.  It's a tough reality for intelligent people to face, but yes, there are people this fucking stupid out there.  And it ain't a black thing - they come in all colors, races, makes, models,shapes, and sizes.  It's just that the black ones happen to be in the spotlight right now. Fear not, there are survivalist camps full of Neo-Nazi crackers with a collective IQ of less than an acceptable SAT score just a-waiting in line to get their 15 minutes of fame. Just as stupid, just as racist, and just as self-destructive as the rioters in Ferguson. The freakshow never ends.

And yes, I did say that.  The rioters in Ferguson are fucking racists.  Think I'm wrong?  Watch some interviews.  "Racist" doesn't only mean thinking that another race is beneath you.  It also means thinking that yours is above another.  Those sound like the same thing, but in reality, they are very different. I will explain:

Years ago, most white people thought black people were beneath them.  (Some still do today, but I'm not talking about them.  Fuck 'em.)  They felt that "niggers" were not quite as far evolved as they were, and therefore they could be owned like animals.  That shit is not right.  No human should ever be the owner of another human.  That shit is racist.

Today, many (it seems like most, but in reality, it's just a very loudmouthed many) black people think they are above every other race.  They feel that "whatever derogatory term you want to insert here for white people" owe them because "your ancestors fucked over my ancestors", to paraphrase.  They honestly feel like they deserve special treatment above all other races of people, because no other race of people has ever been enslaved.  
Except the Jews, by the Eqyptians.
And the Christians, by the Muslims.
For that matter, Muslims, by Muslims.
How about every damn group of people the Spanish came across in the New World?
Come to think of it, slavery was big in the Roman Empire too.  Captured soldiers and other "human spoils of war".  A lot of them were captured in Europe and the Mediterranean (read: other white people).
Also, indentured servitude was hugely popular around the same time as slavery was getting started in the New World.  A debtor in an English debtor's prison would have his debt purchased by a landowner in America, in exchange for years of servitude working as a farm laborer for no wages. That's called being sold into slavery. Some people also used this as a way to pay for passage to America. That's called selling yourself into slavery. 

You're not the only ones.  Sorry to bust your bubble.  Get the fuck over it, because guess what? 

That shit is not right.

Thinking that your race is more special than another, for any reason, is GODDAMN RACISM!

Not one black person alive in America today was ever the legal property of a white person. Not one. Stop blaming Whitey and do for your damn self.  Don't be a "proud black man", because then you'll be pissed if I call myself a "proud white man".

Just be a fucking MAN and leave it at that.  Take care of your family, work hard, set a good example for your kids, do what God put us men on the Earth to do.  You're a man, I'm a man, lets go have a drink and talk football.

Racism will never end until it is no longer an excuse.  Suck on that, Jesse and Al.

To my black friends, you know I love you.  The reason I love you is because you are past all the stupid shit.  If you weren't, we wouldn't be friends (refer to "stupid people" in a previous post). If you're mad at me right now, then I was wrong about you.  Fuck off.  I'm not going to try to appease you.  When you get past the stupid shit and want to just be two human beings hanging out and being friends, I will be here.

When that day comes... Winner - 'Merica. 

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